Real estate in Lake Nona can get quite demanding, especially if you have plans of selling your property. One of the causes for concern could be the fact that expensive repairs might be getting in the way of bigger plans for your property. Given what you may have to spend to get these done, you might be looking for some tips to make the repair process much easier.
Here are some tips to get your home ready for future real estate plans in Lake Nona, FL:
Make Low-Cost, High-Impact Repairs
If you’ve lived in Florida for some time, you might notice that the weather can be a bit unpredictable. This is natural, especially with how much climate change has affected all residential areas around the world. A good way to manage your repairs is to look for what can be affected by weather, first!
Typically, here’s what you need to remember: the ever-changing weather in Lake Nona can cause your real estate property to develop mildew and mold. A good way to avoid these problems is to contact your repairman to make sure that no leaks occur and all plumbing components are tightened.
Florida weather can also cause damage to one’s roof, so make sure to inspect your roof for leaks and broken components as well.
Use ROI To Prioritize Repairs
Although repairs are important, sometimes property owners might spend on repairs that will only add to their sunk costs rather than contribute to how much they can earn from a sold home down the line. Consider Return on Investment or ROI before you decide what to fix. After all, you don’t want to spend $30,000 on kitchen repairs to increase your sale price by only $10,000.
Of course, if you have the resources to splurge on repairs, why not? But if you’re in this to make a profit, put a lot of thought into repairs and how much they cost. Instead of falling in love with a price you really want for your home, turn to listing sites and do your appropriate research on how much homes are priced around you. Come up with a good net you want to earn from a sale, and make sure it’s reasonable enough so clients will pay attention to you.
Is your home below-market in terms of condition, and repairs might be too expensive? Simply lower the asking price to make this fair on your potential buyers, while still bringing profit in.
Sell The Home As-Is
Yes, you can actually sell a home without going through any cleaning or repairing, especially if its condition is quite below-market in terms of value. The upside to selling a house as-is usually relates to speed. Selling a house on the traditional market could involve several steps, which inevitably relate to permits, documentation, legal fees, contracts, and more. Selling as-is can eliminate those steps entirely because the buyer knows that they are purchasing a less-than-pristine home.
Try to look at other distressed properties in your area and come up with a good asking price. Just because your home isn’t pristine, doesn’t mean that it can’t fetch a good price on the real estate market in Lake Nona, Florida.
While speaking with interested buyers, don’t forget to completely disclose the true condition of your home. In Florida at least, you’re legally obligated to do so, and you don’t want to get into a court tussle over failing to discuss a few leaking problems with someone who’s willing to purchase as-is. Remember that honesty is the best policy especially if you want to build a decent reputation as a seller.
Ready To Sell Your Home?
At Kindred Homes, we buy houses for cash in Lake Nona, FL regardless of the condition. No need to worry about repairs, commissions, extra fees, realtors, or even needing to clean your property. We handle all of that for you, and are only interested in providing you with fair cash deals today.
This means that you don’t need to be pre-qualified at any bank to sell, and we don’t mind if your property isn’t listed on Zillow or Realtor. Simply visit our website, fill in the details, and get in touch.